How To Customize Application

AZ Screen Recorder & GIF Maker

STEP 1 : When the app initiates, , click on the Setting icon button.

AZ Screen Recorder, GIF Recorder Editor, Video Recorder has lots of Personalize options.


  • Select how the application starts: Start Manually, startup with windows 10,  Allow only single interface and allow multiple interface. 
  • Choose among 4 color themes from light to very dark.
  • Alter the system tray icon behavior clicks to open parts of the app.
  • Decide whether the app should update itself automatically translation updates can be toggled too.


  • Select if you want the older or newer UI for the screen recorder.
  • Choose which capture mode to use (BitBlt, DirectX, with memory cache or not).
  • Select the capture frequency mode (manual, normal, timelapse).
  • Enable cursor following (the recorder will follow your cursor during the recording).

Editor : 

  • Select the previewer style (color and size of the background grid).
  • Enable the auto-sizing of the editor window based on the content size and vice-versa.
  • Options to enable confirmation dialogs before important actions.
  • Option to limit the undo/redo stack.


  • You can create tasks to apply effects to your recording, so that you don’t need to manually apply them every time.


  • Set keyboard shortcuts to open the recorders and editor.
  • You can also set shortcuts to control your recordings (record, pause, stop, and others).


  • Select among 24 languages.
  • The app will automatically select a language, based on your current OS settings.


  • Control how the app store its data.
  • Recover used space by deleting old projects.

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